(TUSCALOOSA, Ala.) February’s First Friday Art Walk will feature the Alabama Blues Project’s preview of visual art included in their upcoming “Evening of Art and Blues” event in the Arts Council Gallery at the Dinah Washington Cultural Arts Center. The preview exhibit, “City Blues vs. Country Blues,” will open on Friday, February 3, 2023 from 5-7 p.m. and will culminate with the organization’s annual “Evening of Art and Blues” event on Feb. 24, also at the DWCAC.
DWCAC will also feature a demonstration of pointillism with pen and watercolor pencil by artist Mikayla Hammock.
Gallery hours are weekdays from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Exhibit items will be available for silent auction at alabamabluesproject.betterworld.org. Visit www.alabamablues.org for more information about the exhibit and the upcoming “Evening of Art and Blues” at the DWCAC on Feb. 24, 2023.
Additional First Friday openings include:
- The University of Alabama Gallery at DWCAC: “Roscoe Hall: Two Houses” through Feb. 23
- Paul Jones Museum: “Patterns of Creativity – with Alberta School of the Performing Arts” through Feb. 23
- Harrison Galleries: Avian Portraiture – Audubon, Gould and Ede, 1826-2016 and jazz ensemble; Demonstration by watercolor artist Libby Morris
- Lorrie Lane Studio- featuring Lane’s work and other local artists
- The Art Garage- Art activities for children
- Kentuck Gallery at Hotel Indigo: Prints by Scott Stephens
- Druid City Makerspace: featuring candle artist and ceramicist “Boogibear”
- uPerk: Featuring the work of local and regional artists
- Turbo Coffee: Art students from Shelton State CC; rotating monthly
- Avenue Pub: Demo by alcohol ink artist Amber Simpson
- Black Warrior Brewing: Featuring the work of local artists until 7 p.m.
For more information about the February First Friday, visit www.firstfridaytuscaloosa.com.
The Dinah Washington Cultural Arts Center is located at 620 Greensboro Avenue in downtown Tuscaloosa. For more information about The Arts Council, Bama Theatre or CAC, patrons should like the Facebook page “The Arts Council – Bama Theatre – Cultural Arts Center” on Facebook and Twitter and Instagram @tuscaloosaartscouncil. Call 205-758-5195 or visit tuscarts.org for further information.