Join the Arts Council as a Member Organization:
Member Organization Dues
To become a Member Organization of The Arts Council, you must be a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in Tuscaloosa County WITH AN ARTS, CULTURAL OR HUMANITIES EMPHASIS.
There is an annual fee of $85. Your membership contribution is tax deductible. Your membership in The Arts Council is money well spent. Your contribution directly translates to the presentation of unique, eye-opening, and educational programming for the students and citizens of Tuscaloosa County and West Alabama.
You will receive:
• Listing in council publications when possible
• Listing on our website with a link to your site
• Subsidized rental rates for the Bama Theatre
• Access to list your events on our website calendar
• Technical assistance and referrals
• Assistance in grant writing and grant workshops
• Invitations to special events hosted by The Arts Council and Bama Theatre
Join by mail. Fill out the form below then mail to us with your check for $85. Make your check payable to The Arts Council of Tuscaloosa.
Click the links below for a listing of member organizations and other cultural entities in Tuscaloosa County.
The Arts Council Member Organizations represent the visual, performing and literary arts; museums and scientific disciplines; and philanthropic organizations. Any arts related non-profit group (IRS-501c3) located in Tuscaloosa County can join The Arts Council as a member organization. Member organizations have access to the community calendar, are eligible to receive small grant funding, receive a discount when renting the Bama Theatre and can attend workshops presented by The Arts Council geared toward issues facing non-profits. The Arts Council also offers Community Arts Conversations, an annual community engagement and networking event for member organizations and Druid Arts Awards, a biannual ceremony to honor local volunteers, educators, artists and corporate sponsors.
Brookwood High School Musical Theatre Department
City of Tuscaloosa Arts & Entertainment
Sipsey Valley High School Fine Arts Department
The University of Alabama Collaborative Arts Research Initiative
The University of Alabama College of Arts and Sciences
The University of Alabama Community Music School
The University of Alabama Department of Art and Art History
The University of Alabama Department of Theatre & Dance
The University of Alabama English Department
The University of Alabama Honors College
The University of Alabama Museums
Alabama Museum of Natural History
Moundville Archaeological Park
The University of Alabama Opera Guild
The University of Alabama Press
The University of Alabama School of Music
Tuscaloosa City Schools Arts in Education
Tuscaloosa County High School Drama Program
Tuscaloosa Sister Cities International
Tuscaloosa Symphony Orchestra Guild