February Wheel Throwing
In this workshop, participants will learn the basics of creating pottery on the wheel! For more information and to register please visit https://www.kentuck.org/wheel-throwing-amy-smoot.
In this workshop, participants will learn the basics of creating pottery on the wheel! For more information and to register please visit https://www.kentuck.org/wheel-throwing-amy-smoot.
The University of Alabama Gallery is pleased to present Garden Ethics: Stephen W. Evans, from January 17 to March 29, 2024. The public is invited to a reception for the artist on Friday, February 2, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. during downtown Tuscaloosa’s First Friday Art Walk. Click here for more information.
Students will explore the tools and the process of monotypes, block printing, and screen printing.For more information and to register please visit https://www.kentuck.org/printmaking-18.
Alabama Blues Project-14th Evening of Art and Blues: "Harlem NightsFeb. 23 from 7-10 p.m.Dinah Washington Cultural Arts CenterAnnual Fundraiser for Tuscaloosa's Alabama Blues ProjectAlabama Blues Project will celebrate some of […]
The University of Alabama Contemporary Music Ensemble ConcertBama TheatreFebruary 23 @ 7:30pm
Kentuck Art Center is hosting Kentuck Kids Studios for ages 2-8! For more information and to register please visit https://www.kentuck.org/kids-studio
Learn how to pinch, coil or slab build functional pottery in this multi-day workshop. For more information and to register please visit https://www.kentuck.org/adult-handbuilding.
This is a chance to indulge your curiosities or to delve deeper into your favorite art media!For more information and register please visit https://www.kentuck.org/a-la-carte
Duncanville Middle School Beauty WalkBama TheatreFebruary 24 @ 4:00pm
Binford Organ Recital Series: Lynne DavisFirst Presbyterian Church, Tuscaloosa, 900 Greensboro Ave.Davis is Professor of Organ at Wichita State University and will be performing on FPC's Letourneau Pipe Organ
The University of Alabama Gallery is pleased to present Garden Ethics: Stephen W. Evans, from January 17 to March 29, 2024. The public is invited to a reception for the artist on Friday, February 2, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. during downtown Tuscaloosa’s First Friday Art Walk. Click here for more information.
The University of Alabama Gallery is pleased to present Garden Ethics: Stephen W. Evans, from January 17 to March 29, 2024. The public is invited to a reception for the artist on Friday, February 2, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. during downtown Tuscaloosa’s First Friday Art Walk. Click here for more information.