For Immediate Release
The Arts Council of Tuscaloosa
Contact: Kevin Ledgewood
205-758-5195, x6
(Tuscaloosa, Ala.) The Arts Council of Tuscaloosa will recognize artists, educators, volunteers and patrons of the arts at the 22nd Druid Arts Awards ceremony on March 30, 2017 at the Bama Theatre. The winners and their families will be honored at a reception at the theatre’s Greensboro Room at 6 p.m. with the awards presented at 7 p.m. in the theatre.
Admission is $10, and the deadline to purchase tickets in person or reserve by phone is March 20 at 5 p.m. Call 758-5195, exts. 3, 6 or 7 for reservations or visit The Arts Council office at 600 Greensboro Avenue in the PARA Building. Checks and credit cards will be accepted with no ticket sales taking place the evening of the awards ceremony. Tickets will only be available for pick-up at will call.
In founding and perpetuating the Druid Arts Awards, The Arts Council determined that local citizens who were working as volunteers, artists, educators and corporate sponsors was very large and growing. The Council also realized that the work of these individuals as well as supportive businesses was not often publicly recognized. It was for this reason that the Druid Arts Awards were established, and it has become a bi-annual presentation to honor these special individuals who have achieved distinction in the arts over a number of years in Tuscaloosa County.
Three nominations- volunteer, artist, and educator- were requested from the community in each of the categories of music, visual arts, dance, literature and theatre. Nominations were also requested for Patron of the Arts, Corporate Sponsor, Tuscaloosa’s Home Grown and Special Awards. Tuscaloosa’s Home Grown was established to honor those native to Tuscaloosa who have become recognized in their field on a national/international level. Individuals or groups who have contributed to or supported the arts through actions outside of the aforementioned categories are honored with a Special Award. Nominations were presented by citizens of Tuscaloosa County, and a committee comprised of members of The Arts Council Board of Directors made the final selections.
“Our local children and adults benefit from the presence of the arts in their lives on a daily basis, and the Druid Arts Awards place our dedicated citizens who contribute in a well-deserved place of recognition,” noted Sandra Wolfe, Executive Director of The Arts Council.
2017 Winners:
Patron of the Arts Award – Peggy Collins
Corporate Sponsor of the Year – Ameriprise Financial
Special Award – Dr. Pamela Penick
Special Award – Dr. Anne C. Witt for Strings in Schools
Home Grown Artist – Dr. Demondrae Thurman
Music Volunteer – Anne Moman
Music Educator – Dr. Jed Smart
Theatre Artist – Joey Lay
Theatre Volunteer – Ryan Rainwater
Theatre Educator – Stacy Alley
Visual Artist – Dr. Bethany Windham Engle
Visual Arts Educator – Trenton White
Dance Artist – Fiona Dorr
Dance Volunteer – Crosby Thomley
Literary Artist – Carolyn Ezell
Literary Educator – Dr. Don Noble
The Bama Theatre is located at 600 Greensboro Avenue in downtown Tuscaloosa. For more information about The Arts Council, Bama Theatre or CAC, patrons should LIKE the Facebook page “The Arts Council – Bama Theatre – Cultural Arts Center” and follow tuscarts on Twitter. Call 205-758-5195 or visit for further information.