Arts in Education Grant

The Arts Council > Small Grants > Arts in Education Grant

Deadline to apply for 2024-2025 is Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Teachers employed by K12 schools within Tuscaloosa County are eligible to apply for funding for art related projects through the Arts in Education Grant. Grant applications are made through the Arts and Humanities Council of Tuscaloosa County with funding distributed by the Community Foundation of West Alabama. The deadline for submitting grant applications is October 1 annually for grant activities which are to be completed by May 15 the following year. If October 1 falls on a weekend, the deadline shifts to Monday or the following business day. The Arts Council’s Grant Review Committee will meet in March and forward their recommendations to the Community Foundation of West Alabama.

Arts In Education Grant Guidelines 2024-25



Questions about grant submissions should be directed to Autumn Fuller, Director of Education, at


Completed grant applications and final reports may be mailed to:
Autumn Fuller, Director of Education
Arts and Humanities Council of Tuscaloosa County
P. O. Box 1117
Tuscaloosa, AL 35403

Emailed to:

Or physically delivered to:
Autumn Fuller, Director of Education
PARA Bldg., Arts Council 2nd Floor
614 Greensboro, Ave., Tuscaloosa


Arts in Education grants are awarded to City, County and Private schools located within Tuscaloosa County to provide limited support for projects such as small or pilot art activities, special projects of high artistic quality, exhibits, artist residencies and theatrical, musical or dance productions or an arts component of a larger project, etc.

The maximum grant available to a school is $1000. Grant applicants are not limited to art teachers; any teacher may apply.


A 1:1 Match is required to which no more than 25% of the total costs may be met by in-kind contributions. Matching grants will not exceed $1000. In general, half the grant funds will be paid up front with the balance paid after the project has been completed and the final evaluation report received and approved.


A final report should be submitted to The Arts Council within thirty days of completing the project and or by May 15, 2025. The final report should include an evaluation of the project with financial documentation, receipts, photographs, etc.

Arts in Education Grant Guidelines 2024-25

Arts in Education Grant Application

How to complete the Grant Application forms:

Option 1: After reading guidelines, click on the “Application” link, print out, and complete by hand.

Option 2: Complete the application using text fields:

Upon final editing and completion, print out the form. 

Bring the completed application to The Arts Council offices before the deadline of Tuesday, October 1, 2024 at 4 p.m. or email to You can also mail the form to: 

The Arts Council
P.O. Box 1117,
Tuscaloosa, AL, 35403