For Immediate Release
The Arts Council
Contact: Kevin Ledgewood
205-758-5195, x6
(Tuscaloosa) The Arts Council of Tuscaloosa recently awarded over $7,000 in financial assistance through the Small Grants Program with local non-profit organizations and educators among the list of those awarded. Two local teachers have also been recommended to receive funds from the newly established Arts in Education fund through the Community Foundation of West Alabama.
The Small Grants Program was established to aid Tuscaloosa County non-profit organizations, educators and artists in their pursuit of projects contributing to the greater good of local students and citizens through the arts. Organizations may apply for Small Grants Program awards for such projects as exhibits, festivals, residencies, consultants, attendance at seminars, institutes, workshops by artistic and/or administrative staff and productions. Professional artists may apply for small grants for pilot or short-term projects or opportunities, such as seminars, workshops, conferences or apprenticeships with master artists. Since the advent of the program in 1986, local artists and organizations have received more than $130,000.
The Monster Makeover Grant was recently established to award funding from the Arts in Education Fund within the Community Foundation of West Alabama. Tuscaloosa City/County educators pursuing a project with an arts-based element are eligible for this grant. This particular portion of the Foundation’s account was established in part with funds raised from the Monster Makeover exhibit and auction.
A committee comprised of members of The Arts Council’s Board of Directors is in charge of the selection process for both grant programs. The yearly deadline for submission of completed applications for both Small Grants and Monster Makeover Grants is March 1 with required forms and guidelines available at
The following grants were awarded for 2014 – 2015:
Small Grants
Organizational Grant Awards:
Kentuck Museum Association – $1000
Tuscaloosa Symphony Orchestra – $1000
Tuscaloosa Museum of Art – $1000
Alabama Blues Project – $1000
Drishti – $ 500
Tuscaloosa Children’s Theatre – $1000
NANO Project – $1000
Individual Artists:
Richard Nowell – $250
Christine Ballenger – $750
Monster Makeover
Richard Nowell – Northridge High School – $700
Martine Torain – Northridge High School – $500
For specific information about the grant programs, contact Sharron Rudowski at 345-9801.
For more information about The Arts Council, patrons should LIKE the Facebook page “The Arts Council – Bama Theatre – Cultural Arts Center” and follow tuscarts on Twitter. Call 205-758-5195 or visit for further information.