For Immediate Release
The Arts Council
Contact: Kevin Ledgewood, 205-758-5195, x6,
Sandra Wolfe, 205-758-5195, x3,
(Tuscaloosa, AL) Representatives from local arts and cultural organizations will gather at the Dinah Washington Cultural Arts Center on Tuesday, Feb. 25 for “Community Arts Conversations.” Nineteen groups from Tuscaloosa County will be featured from 5 p.m. – 7 p.m. in this free event open to the public.
Organized by The Arts Council of Tuscaloosa, the goal of the event is introduce local cultural organizations to the public and provide information about them and their staff on a personal level. Citizens might be familiar with most of the groups, but never have the chance to meet the performers or administrators and discuss their craft and contribution to the community face to face. All groups will be offering a creative display plus additional items such as promotional materials, season brochures and reduced pricing for upcoming events. Ticket giveaways for upcoming events, books and other items will also take place.
Local performing arts organizations will be showcased in the Black Box Theatre, offering excerpts from theatrical or musical works. These include Alabama Blues Project, Alabama Choir School, Actor’s Charitable Theatre, Drishti, Prentice Concert Chorale, Shelton State Community College, Tuscaloosa Community Dancers, Tuscaloosa Children’s Theatre and Tuscaloosa Symphony Orchestra.
“Tuscaloosa County is rich with opportunities for local citizens to attend or participate in the performing and visual arts. We hope this event will convey both the diversity and talent present within our cultural community,” said Sandra Wolfe, Executive Director of The Arts Council.
Participating entities include:
Actor’s Charitable Theatre
Alabama Blues Project
Alabama Choir School
Kentuck Museum Association
Paul R. Jones Gallery – The University of Alabama
Prentice Concert Chorale
Shelton State Community College
Stillman College
The Arts Council
The University of Alabama Art Department
The University of Alabama Creative Campus
The University of Alabama Press
Theatre Tuscaloosa
Tuscaloosa Children’s Theatre
Tuscaloosa Community Dancers
Tuscaloosa County Preservation Society
Tuscaloosa Sister City Commission
Tuscaloosa Symphony Orchestra
The Dinah Washington Cultural Arts Center is located at 620 Greensboro Ave. on the same block as the Bama Theatre in Downtown Tuscaloosa.
For more information about The Arts Council, patrons should LIKE the Facebook page “The Arts Council – Bama Theatre – Cultural Arts Center” and follow tuscarts on Twitter. Call 205-758-5195 or visit for further information.