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UAG Exhibition: Nathan Childers

The University of Alabama Gallery, 620 Greensboro Ave, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401, USA

The UA Department of Art and Art History presents the Master of Fine Artsthesis exhibition of NathanChilders, titled Still Lives, from April 5 through May 3, 2024, inThe University of Alabama Gallery in the Dinah Washington Cultural Arts Centerin Tuscaloosa. A reception for the artist will be held Friday, April 5, from5:00 to 7:00 p.m. […]

PRJM: Eugene Martin – A Creative Act

Paul R. Jones Museum, 2308 6th St, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401, USA

The Paul R. Jones Museum is pleased to present “Eugene Martin: The Creative Act – An Exhibition from the LSU Museum of Art,” from March 1 through May 3, 2024. The public is invited to a reception during Tuscaloosa’s First Friday Art Walk on April 5, 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. MORE INFO.

SGAG: BLENDED BFA Graphic Design

Sella-Granata Art Gallery, Woods Hall, 7th Ave, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487, USA

BLENDED, the BFA in GraphicDesign degree exhibition, is April 15-22, 2024, in the Sella-GranataArt Gallery, Woods Hall. The public is invited to a reception for theartists on Thursday, April 18, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Readmore about each of the degree candidates: Gabriel Allen, Audrey Charlton,Andy Nguyen, Darrell Shelby, Erin Shelton, Julianne White, Alexandria Yongue,TiYana […]

SGAG Reception: BLENDED BFA Graphic Des.

Sella-Granata Art Gallery, Woods Hall, 7th Ave, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487, USA

BLENDED, the BFA in GraphicDesign degree exhibition, is April 15-22, 2024, in the Sella-GranataArt Gallery, Woods Hall. The public is invited to a reception for theartists on Thursday, April 18, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Readmore about each of the degree candidates: Gabriel Allen, Audrey Charlton,Andy Nguyen, Darrell Shelby, Erin Shelton, Julianne White, Alexandria Yongue,TiYana […]

Paint and Paws: Paint Your Pet With Mitchelle Jones

Dinah Washington Cultural Arts Center, 620 Greensboro Ave, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401, USA

The Arts Council of Tuscaloosa presents a "Paint Your Pet" class with instructor Mitchelle Jones! Jones is a graduate of Stillman College in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. With an Associate Degree in […]

The Diviners

The D-Rooms (Off the Lobby of the Atrium at Shelton State's Martin Campus - 9500 Old Greensboro Road)

Seating is general admission and all tickets are $5 each. Tickets and more details are available at or 205.391.2277.Set in a small, mythical Indiana town in the 1930s, this modern-day parable tells the story of a mentally challenged boy who’s early childhood trauma left him with an extreme fear of water and a gift: he is […]

“Stand Up! Ten Mighty Women Who Made a Change” Exhibit

Dinah Washington Cultural Arts Center, 620 Greensboro Ave, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401, USA

The Arts Council of Tuscaloosa will be hosting “Stand Up!: Ten Mighty Women Who Made a Change” in The Arts Council Gallery at the Dinah Washington Cultural Arts Center. A project […]

UAG Exhibition: Nathan Childers

The University of Alabama Gallery, 620 Greensboro Ave, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401, USA

The UA Department of Art and Art History presents the Master of Fine Artsthesis exhibition of NathanChilders, titled Still Lives, from April 5 through May 3, 2024, inThe University of Alabama Gallery in the Dinah Washington Cultural Arts Centerin Tuscaloosa. A reception for the artist will be held Friday, April 5, from5:00 to 7:00 p.m. […]

PRJM: Eugene Martin – A Creative Act

Paul R. Jones Museum, 2308 6th St, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401, USA

The Paul R. Jones Museum is pleased to present “Eugene Martin: The Creative Act – An Exhibition from the LSU Museum of Art,” from March 1 through May 3, 2024. The public is invited to a reception during Tuscaloosa’s First Friday Art Walk on April 5, 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. MORE INFO.

SGAG: BLENDED BFA Graphic Design Exhib.

Sella-Granata Art Gallery, Woods Hall, 7th Ave, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487, USA

BLENDED, the BFA in GraphicDesign degree exhibition, is April 15-22, 2024, in the Sella-GranataArt Gallery, Woods Hall. The public is invited to a reception for theartists on Thursday, April 18, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Readmore about each of the degree candidates: Gabriel Allen, Audrey Charlton,Andy Nguyen, Darrell Shelby, Erin Shelton, Julianne White, Alexandria Yongue,TiYana […]

Book Arts

This class consists of a series of four classes in April, each building on the last. We will work on exercises and follow steps to make our own handmade book.Please visit for more information and to register.

Book Arts

This class consists of a series of four classes in April, each building on the last. We will work on exercises and follow steps to make our own handmade book.Please visit for more information and to register.

The Diviners

The D-Rooms (Off the Lobby of the Atrium at Shelton State's Martin Campus - 9500 Old Greensboro Road)

Seating is general admission and all tickets are $5 each. Tickets and more details are available at or 205.391.2277.Set in a small, mythical Indiana town in the 1930s, this modern-day parable tells the story of a mentally challenged boy who’s early childhood trauma left him with an extreme fear of water and a gift: he is […]